About me

Why do I draw

I am incredibly blessed to live in one of the most beautiful places in the UK. I fell in love with Richmond from the first time I visited the area. Living and walking here, taking in the local nature, charming small shops, the vast sky, and the serene river, gives me so much inspiration that I sometimes don't know where to express it all. But when I started to draw, everything clicked for me.

Each of my works captures a moment I fell in love with—a moment that made me stop and truly see, feel, breathe, and appreciate the world around me. I hope my art allows you to experience these moments too.

My story

Growing up in Kazakhstan after the Soviet times, I always felt myself to be an artistic soul. I loved imagining things, like how the little holes in walls could make cool pictures, or how the patterns on old carpets could turn into amazing characters.

After graduating from the National Art Academy, I had doubts about my future. I wasn't sure if I'd ever draw again. But then, something changed. I found myself drawn to design and animation. I followed my heart to Italy to learn about motion design, and then to Germany to study animation.

When I came back home to Kazakhstan, I started up my own studio. Working with local companies was fulfilling, and representing Kazakhstan abroad was an honor I'll never forget.

But life had more surprises in store for me. Five wonderful years later, I moved to London and became a mother. It was then that I rediscovered my passion for creating with my own hands. And so, a new chapter began.

My media 

My favorite medium is oil pastel. I love its soft and creamy texture and the freedom it gives me when touching paper. Sometimes, when I need more precise lines, I draw with colored pencils, which allows me to illustrate some parts in detail. I also love mixing these media together, cutting cardboard to add more volume to my artworks. My artistic style is evolving, and I am curious to see where it will take me.

Thank you for your interest! I hope you enjoy my art too!